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May 23, 2023

COVID-19 state of emergencies have ended but COVID has not disappeared and employers must stay vigilant. TLNT interviewed Partner Corinne Spencer on why it’s not business as usual for California employers and how they can implement policies to ensure safety in the workplace.

“The big surprise for many employers is that they will still need to apply a COVID-19 prevention program for at least the immediate future,” Spencer commented. “California employers will be expected to meet prevention and containment requirements until at least February 2025, and possibly as far into the future as 2026.”

While physical distancing and masks may have been dropped and employees don’t have to be vaccinated, employers will still need to follow a containment program of some sort if an outbreak occurs, which is defined at being more than three people.

“If there is an outbreak at work, the likes of Cal/OSHA will require organizations to prove that they have had the sorts of policies in place that will have reduced the likelihood of it happening in the first place,” Spencer said.

Read the TLNT interview.


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